Two days of networking opportunities to include:
● Networking lunches
● Cocktail receptions
● Exclusive dinners hosted by select corporate sponsors

● Career expo
● Presentations and panels hosted by top global companies

Meet recruiters representing 90+ top MBA employers

Network with 1,000+ other veteran MBA students!

Registration for the 2025 event will open March 1st!


Bank of America_WHITE
MicrosoftTeams-image (4)


Many of the students who have attended this conference have been hired by the sponsor firms! Here are a few recent examples!

Terrell Hayes


Company: Nucor
MBA Program: University of Miami
Military Service: US Navy

Ryan Woodall Headshot

Ryan Woodall

Product Manager

Company: Cisco Systems
MBA Program: Michigan
Military Service: US Army

Zachary Talbot Headshot

Zachary Talbot

Global Operations Intern

Company: Dell Technologies
MBA Program: University of Texas at Austin
Military Service: US Army

James Lovejoy Headshot

James Lovejoy

Investment Associate Intern

Company: Nuveen
MBA Program: University of Chicago
Military Service: US Air Force

Nolan Cook


Company: Bank of America
MBA Program: Louisville
Military Service: US Army

Katherine Danielson

Investment Banking Associate

Company: Citi
MBA Program: Cambridge University
Military Service: US Army

Phillip Hulme

Software Client Leader

Company: IBM
MBA Program: University of Florida
Military Service: US Army

Andrew Hoverson

Senior Consultant

Company: ExxonMobil
MBA Program: UC Irvine
Military Service: US Marine Corps

Keoni Antolin


Company: Nucor
MBA Program: Indiana University-Kelley School of Business
Military Service: US Air Force

Weston Kuenstler

Procurement / Supply Chain Development Program Intern

Company: Chevron
MBA Program: TCU
Military Service: US Navy

Sasha Sibilla Headshot

Sasha Sibilla

MBA Intern, Strategic Initiatives

Company: Abbott
MBA Program: Northwestern University
Military Service: US Navy


Vendor Manager

Company: Amazon
MBA Program: UT Austin
Military Service: US Army


Investment Banking Intern

Company:: Citi
MBA Program: USC-Marshall
Military Service: US Army


Senior Consultant

Company: Cognizant
MBA Program: SMU
Military Service: US Army



Company: Accenture Strategy
MBA Program: Yale
Military Service: US Army


General Manager, Accelerated Program

Company: Republic Services
MBA Program: Michigan
Military Service: US Army


Investment Banking Associate

Company: Credit Suisse
MBA Program: Carnegie Mellon
Military Service: US Navy


Operations Program Manager

Company: Microsoft
MBA Program:Texas A&M
Military Service: US Army



Company: Intel
MBA Program: USC
Military Service: US Marine Corps



Company: DOW Chemical
MBA Program: Texas McCombs
Military Service: US Marine Corps


Lead Project Manager

Company: NextEra Energy Resources
MBA Program: University of Florida
Military Service: US Army


You must meet both of the requirements listed below to register for the event.


Must have served as an officer, NCO, or enlisted member of either a US or Non-US military service


Must be currently enrolled or a recent graduate of an eligible MBA program (full time, part time, online, or executive)


You must be a veteran enrolled at one of the following MBA programs to register for this year’s event.


Alabama A&M 

Albany State

Alcorn State

American University (Kogod)

Arizona State University (Carey)

Auburn University (Harbert)

Babson University (Olin)

Ball State University (Miller)

Baylor University (Hankamer)

Binghamton University-SUNY

Boston College (Carroll)

Boston University (Questrom)

Bowie State

Brigham Young University (Marriott)

Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper)

Case Western Reserve University (Weatherhead)

Chapman University (Argyros)

Claflin University

Clark Atlanta University


College of Charleston

College of William and Mary

Colorado State University

Columbia Business School

Cornell University (Johnson)

Creighton University

CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College (Zicklin)

Dartmouth College (Tuck)

Delaware Univerity

Depaul University (Kellstadt)

Drexel University (LeBow)

Duke University (Fuqua)

Emory University (Goizueta)

Fayetteville State University

Florida A&M

Florida State University

Fordham University (Gabelli)

George Mason University

Georgetown University (McDonough)

George Washington University

Georgia Tech (Scheller)

Hampton University

Harvard Business School

Howard University School of Business

Indiana University-Bloomington (Kelley)

Iowa State University

Jackson State University

Jack Welch Management Institute

Johns Hopkins (Carey)

Kennesaw State University (Coles)

Lehigh University

Lincoln University

Louisiana State University (Ourso)

Loyola Marymount University

Loyola University

Marquette University

Michigan State University (Broad)

MIT (Sloan)

Morgan State University

Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)

New York University (Stern)

North Carolina State University (Jenkins)

Northeastern University

Northern Arizona University (Franke)

North Carolina A&T

North Carolina Central University

Northwestern University (Kellogg)

Ohio University

Ohio State University (Fisher)

Oklahoma State University (Spears)

Penn State (Smeal)

Pepperdine University (Graziado)

Prarie View A&M

Purdue University (Krannert)

Rice University (Jones)

Rochester Institute of Technology (Saunders)

Rutgers University

San Diego State-Fowler

Seattle University (Albers)

Southern University

Southern Methodist University (Cox)

St. Joseph’s University (Haub)

Stanford Business School

Syracuse (Whitman)

Temple University (Fox)

Tennessee State University

Texas A&M University (Mays)

Texas Christian University (Neeley)

The Citadel (Tommy & Victoria Baker)

Thunderbird School of Global Management

Tufts University (MIB)

Tulane University (Freeman)

UNC-Charlotte (Belk College of Business)

University of Alabama (Manderson)

University of Arizona (Eller)

University of Arkansas (Walton)

University at Buffalo-SUNY

University of California-Davis

University of California-Irvine (Merage)

University of California-Los Angeles (Anderson)

University of California-Riverside (Anderson)

University of California Berkeley (Haas)

University of California-San Diego (Rady)

University of Chicago (Booth)

University of Cincinnati (Lindner)

University of Colorado (Leeds)

University of Connecticut

University of Delaware (Lerner)

University of Denver (Daniels)

University of Florida

University of Georgia (Terry)

University of Houston (Bauer)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

University of Iowa

University of Kansas

University of Kentucky (Gatton)

University of Las Vegas (Lee)

University of Louisville

University of Maryland-College Park (Smith)

University of Massachusetts-Amherst (Isenberg)

University of Miami

University of Michigan (Ross)

University of Minnesota (Carlson)

University of Mississippi

University of Missouri (Trulaske)

University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill (Kenan Flagler)

University of Notre Dame (Mendoza)

University of Oklahoma (Price)

University of Oregon (Lundquist)

University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)

University of Pittsburgh (Katz)

University of Rochester (Simon)

University of San Diego

University of Southern California (Marshall)

University of South Carolina (Moore)

University of Tennessee-Knoxville (Haslam)

University of Texas-Dallas (Naveen)

University of Texas-Austin (McCombs)

University of Texas-San Antonio (Alvarez)

University of Utah (Eccles)

Villanova University

University of Virginia (Darden)

University of Washington (Foster)

University of Wisconsin-Madison

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Vanderbilt University (Owen)

Wake Forest University

Washington State University

Washington University in St. Louis (Olin)

West Virginia University

Winston Salem State University

Xavier University (Williams)

Yale School of Management


Australian Graduate School of Management

Cambridge University (Judge)

CEIBS (China)

COPPEAD Graduate School of Business

Cranfield University

Durham University Business School



HKUST Business School

Instituto de Empresa (IE)



Imperial College



London Business School

Manchester Business School

Oxford University (Said)

Queen’s University

Rotterdam School of Management

SDA Bocconi

Singapore Business School

University of Toronto (Rotman)

University of Western Ontario (Ivey)

Warwick Business School (UK)

York University (Schulich)


Online Profile and Pre-Event Job Board  
2 Days of Career Expos  
Industry Career Panels  
Company-led Presentations  
Networking Reception with Company Representatives  
Interviews with Company Representatives  

* There is a 75% chance of being ‘pre-selected” for invite-only sessions and/or interviews if you register for the conference at least 2 months prior to the conference.





1. Create a Profile and Update a Resume in MBA Veterans Connect (by clicking the REGISTRATION button below)
2. Complete all Required Fields
3. Accounts are Reviewed and Approved
4. Register to Confirm Conference Attendance

*(Registration Fees:  $249 in person, Free to attend Virtual Event)

*Contact Us  with any questions you may have.


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While we appreciate your service, you are not eligible to participate in the MBA Veterans Network or our programming activities.


While we applaud your commitment to pursuing a graduate degree at a great university, participation is exclusive to MBA students and alumni.

Absolutely. As long as you are student or graduate of a qualifying MBA program you are more than welcome to join the Network and register for this conference. Please, however, keep in mind that the recruiting companies’ willingness to hiring candidates without US citizenship or work visas is the same at this event as it is on campus.

  • Exam Conflict: In early Spring, we contacted every single MBA program team and shared the details about the conference so that the administrators could plan for students to attend. If you still have a conflict, we recommend petitioning your program to provide alternative exam dates so that you and your classmates can attend the event. This tactic has been achieved successfully by many students in the past.
  • Case Competition: You’re primarily attending a top-ranked MBA program to secure a rewarding, well-paid career, right? We’re not aware of any case competitions that will secure you an internship or a full-time job, so our recommendation is to always opt out of case competitions if they conflict with job-seeking activities such as the MBA Veterans Career Conference.
  • Attend Friday Class or Fail: If you attend an MBA program with this policy, it’s next to impossible to get out of –particularly as a 1st year MBA. However, if you can at least get to the event by the Expo by 2pm on Friday afternoon and/or participate in the networking activities on Thursday night –it’s still worth registering. The sponsors know your situation so they are generally accommodating of your situation for things like interview scheduling etc.

The answer seems obvious, but we always get asked this question so here it is –”yes.”

Not at this time. That’s because our corporate partners have very specific talent acquisition strategies and many of them place a priority on hiring candidates with top-ranked MBA degrees. Since a large part of our mission is to connect them with the kinds of candidates who meet their needs, we use the conventionally-accepted MBA rankings as criteria for participation.

You can register using your .edu email address HERE. You will need to complete your profile 100% before our team can grant you access to complete your registration for this year’s virtual expo.
  • Believe us, we have contacted the military, campus, and diversity recruiters at literally every company that MBA students at elite schools would possibly want to work for. If you don’t see them on our list it’s due to one of the following three reasons:

    1) They’re still evaluating it and haven’t signed up yet
    2) They know about it and don’t want to participate this year
    3) Their teams wants to participate, but some ‘macro’ business issue is forcing them to scale back on recruiting

    However, if you have a contact at a company that you think would be a great fit for the event – please let us know.


The answer to this question lies in a quick explanation of the two ways that employers recruit.
On-campus vs. Diversity Recruiting:

  • On campus: Companies recruit at their ‘core’ MBA programs by sending teams of alumni and/or recruiters who are dedicated to recruiting candidates specifically from your school. As a candidate, you are placed into a pool of competition with all of your classmates (military and non-military) and you essentially compete with them for internships and jobs. The recruiters are not specifically looking for military veterans like you and they may or may not understand your professional background.
  • Diversity recruiting: In addition to campus teams, most top employers also employ diversity recruiters who have a mission to identify and recruit MBA candidates from various ‘federally protected’ demographic groups – including military veterans. If you attend this conference, you are guaranteed a ‘look’ by this diversity recruiting team. Now, you are a candidate who attends a ‘non-core’ school, and the team thinks you’re a viable candidates this centralized diversity team will likely manage your recruiting process. If, however, you attend a school where they also have an ‘on-campus’ team, the diversity team from this conference will ‘flag’ you as a target candidate and help to ensure that you get consideration during the on-campus recruiting cycle. In other words, you get ‘insider access’ to both the diversity teams and veterans networks, both of which have pull in the hiring process.
  • Value of Affinity Networks: Most companies have ‘affinity networks’ like veterans groups that often have leverage in the recruiting process. In the case of this event, most sponsors send veteran employees to participate and their veterans groups evaluate candidates. These are the people who will not only advocate for you in the application process, but also look out for you in terms of job placement if you make it through. You cannot underestimate the value of meeting these people and you won’t meet them if you’re not there.

There are two ways to dramatically increase the likelihood of getting invited to ‘pre-conference’ networking activities and onsite interviews ahead of the conference.

1) REGISTER AT LEAST 4 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE EVENT: Statistically you have a 75% chance of being invited to pre-conference activities if you register at least 4 weeks prior to the event. This decreases by 10 percentage points per week leading up to the event. This is because all recruiting teams get access to the networking platform 4 weeks ahead of time. They generally go into it one or 2 times to identify candidates to pre-select and once it’s done, they’re done.

2) CRAFT A SOLID RESUME: Because every candidate served in the military and is attending a top-ranked program, you all generally look the same to companies. This is a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing because a majority of sponsors legitimately open up their roles to all candidates who attend, even if they’re not at a ‘core’ school and a curse because as a candidate a poorly crafted resume really stands out.

3) EXPRESS INTEREST IN POSTED ROLES: Companies use the job postings as ways to ‘passively’ recruit candidates and evaluate them for networking invites and interviews. If you have even the slightest interest in a company with a posted role – we strongly encourage you to ‘express interest” by clicking that job’s “I’m interested” button.